Episode 16: The Birthday

INT: Robin is sitting eating a falafel platter. It is smothered in tahini sauce. Brian: Jill! Why are we having falafel?! Jill: That’s what Robin chose. Brian: Why did Robin get to choose? Jill: sighs Because it’s her birthday. they are screaming this through a glass panel. Robin can hear everything. Robin: On Monday. Jill: … Continue reading

Episode 13: The UPS Man

Robin is eating her lunch. It consists of five different plastic cartons, they look like they came from a sushi place (seaweed salad), mexican (rice and beans), american (chicken salad) and healthfood, (salad). She putting all of them on a plate and creating dividers with plastic knives so the separate countries of food don’t touch. … Continue reading

Episode 11: The Darling

Robin is sitting at her desk. She is eating a danish. The phone rings. Robin looks the phone. She ignores it. *Two minutes later* The phone rings. Robin ignores it. *Three minutes later*, Jill is now also in the office. The phone rings. Robin is about to ignore it, looks at Jill. Looks at phone. … Continue reading

Episode 9: The Errand

Robin is sitting at her desk. She is filing her nails, very very slowly to avoid making noise. White dust is collecting faster than a coke addict’s sidetable. The phone rings. Robin: HedgeFund Capital Nancy: IS Brian THERE?! Robin: He’s currently in a meeting, I can give you his voicemail or you can leave a … Continue reading